Saturday, April 21, 2012

An Update...

I once had a show, and an angry old man took it down. So I started a petition. "Whereas, humans, since the dawn of civilization, have created art. Whereas, for centuries the debate over what is considered "high" art has created a hierarchy of creativity. Whereas, this is the 21st century. Whereas, we, the undersigned, are no longer confined by the traditional notions of the past, feel the need to end this archaic kafuffle. Whereas, personal preference of a select few will no longer negate the importance of individual expression, nor determine the value of such. Therefore, we, the undersigned, agree that all creativity, of whatever genre, medium, content, or concept, is ART." Yes, I understand I used the Americanized "KAfuffle" instead of the traditional "Kerfuffle." Oh, well.

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