Friday, February 17, 2012

A Veteran and a Lady

In the near future, I might be moving to Oakland with this lovely lady. Apart from my parents, only two other people know. I feel it's safe to mention here because, well, no one looks at my blogspot. I'd just rather skip the drama.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Old New Blue... Sexy

Another old one I found from when I was 19. I try not to imagine my nudes as sexual. This one, I still can't get past.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Kid at Heartburn, Bouncer at Mojo Main

Heartburn this year was equal to and better than the last. On some random sofa in the back tent I came across the former. He was very polite and stayed still in the five mins it took to sketch him out. The latter I've seen around, but never really knew.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Buddy, Finally Looking like Buddy

He kept moving his arms. I couldn't keep up with his hands, so I just went with it.